a group of people walking on a brick walkway with a fountain in the background

Nevada Department of Transportation

Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) wanted to lay the foundations for its next-generation Intelligent Transportation System (ITS), making it easier to connect and manage the growing mesh of Internet of Things (IoT) devices on the state’s highways.

  • 국가: 미국
  • 산업: 운송, ITS, 정부 기관
  • 해결책: Autonomous Network, Shortest Path Bridging, Video Surveillance, Digital Age Networking, Digital Age Networking, 가혹한 환경 조건, OmniFabric

NDOT is responsible for the planning, construction, operation and maintenance of the 5400 miles of highway and over 1000 bridges that make up Nevada’s state highway system. NDOT’s primary goal is “safety first”.

Nevada Department of Transportation Logo
The new solution makes it simpler to provide the best services throughout the 25 billion miles traveled by our road users annually, providing the right information for safe travel and ultimately reducing the time spent on the road. ALE went above and beyond throughout the entire process.
Gary Molnar, ITS Network Manager, Nevada Department of Transportation

Nevada Department of Transportation Customer Reference

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