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Città della Speranza

Alcatel-Lucent helps the Citta della Speranza to communicate more efficiently. The innovative integrated voice/data network infrastructure facilitates and improves collaboration and communication between doctors and researchers at various locations.

  • 国家: 意大利
  • 火狐体育手机: 医疗卫生
  • 解决方案: 互联的解决方案和设备, 自治型网络

The City of Hope is a foundation that funds the center of Padua and pediatric oncohematology inside it contributes to scientific research. More than 30 million Euros collected beginning of our activity. to which must be added the income from inheritance of approximately EUR 4 million. Management based exclusively on volunteer work with operating costs of less than 2%. Achievements with speed. practicality and transparency: a contagious commitment knows no limit.

Citta Della Speranza logo
Thanks to Alcatel-Lucent technology, seen at the Demo Center in Vimercate, and to the competence and professionalism of EDSlan, we implemented an innovative infrastructure that will allow doctors and researchers to access patients’ clinical data and will represent a fundamental support in the daily study of cancer and leukemia.
Dott. Andrea Camporese, Presidente Onorario, Fondazione Città della Speranza



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